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How To Master High Performance Habits for Health and Productivity

Join Coach Ty Woelfle

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Are you tired of short-lived diets, inconsistent workout routines, and feeling like you're not living up to your potential? 

On This Free Webinar You'll Learn:


Time-Efficient Workouts

Designed specifically for career-driven men.


Mental Clarity

Achieved through effective stress management techniques and nutrition.


Sustained Energy

Boost your vitality by training smarter, not harder.

Your Host

Ty Woelfle

Founder of BE ORIGINAL COACHING and a passionate health and fitness professional, Ty specializes in holistic nutrition, mobility, strength, and conditioning. He has a proven track record with a diverse clientele, including professional athletes and men seeking significant lifestyle changes.


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Are you ready to make the changes today that will transform your tomorrow?

Results Speak For Themselves


I turn 30 this week, and when I look back on the last decade, a few things become clear. There was never a perfect start date nor any amount of external vallidation that would motivate me to pursue the things that bring me the most joy today. The things you love the most are special because they are unique to your experience. You either start today or you let it eat at you for the rest of your life. 

Nobody decides that for you. The best money I have ever spent was not on things, but rather experiences, education and mentors. These methods took an entire lifetime of somebody else's collected work and allowed me to streamline it in a condensed timeframe. This reshaped the way I viewed my life. New realities require new questions.


I stumbled into health and fitness at an early age. There's a lot that I want out of this life, and by prioritizing my stress management tools, physical and mental resilience, not only will I get there smoother, but I'll be able to enjoy both the journey towards it and the destination once I arrive. 

I've been in this industry for 13 years. My mission is to help you become efficient at the things you need to do today so that you can enjoy the things you work so hard for as they come your way. You won't get where you're going by accident. Come join me on this webinar and learn how to:

Improve mental clarity through stress management and nutrition.

Become more resilient by training hard.

I'll see you on the other side.

- Ty

Diane L

"Ty transformed my life in just 12 months. I now feel stronger and more capable, both physically and emotionally."

Register for the webinar and step into the world of high performance

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