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Holistic Performance Model

Catchy title, innit? Let's get down to business. This is the model I've used to overcome some pretty sticky health situations, never needed pain meds, permanently got rid of my terrible seasonal allergies and stayed under 15% body fat my entire life. I've never weighed my food, never dirty bulked, never cut, and could always see my abs. Even when I had ACL surgery I didn't need pain meds because I controlled the inflammation through my diet. I'm also very far from obsessive. I have bad habits. I love pizza, I'll drink a beer if I feel like it and I'm a huge foodie.


This is not a flex. This is a reality that you can live. This will happen in stages. The necessary changes and habits will accumulate slowly over time. It's been 12 years for me and I still have things I can improve on. Obsessiveness and shaming will make this very hard if you are prone to that. So I repeat, take your time and apply these strategies one at a time. You won't die if you drink tap water once. You won't get fat after one bad meal. You won't see abs after a single workout and your entire world won't come crumbling down after a night out with friends.


Better habits stack up and have a positive effect on the quality of your life the same way unhealthy habits stack up and have negative consequences. If you want to know who you will be in the future, look at your thoughts, choices and behaviours today. Read below to see my 4 pillars of healthy living.

Food Quality

We live in a world where we have to be conscious of the foods we eat. I teach this in three levels. This way you get to experience an upward trend of benefits without things seeming too overwhelming. There is lots to uncover here.

Kundalini Yoga Outside


People glaze over this one. But it is quite a bit deeper than just breathing to stay alive. With a few simple tips you can see major changes in your ability to manage stress and improve sleep quality. This is huge for improving performance, both physically and cognitively. Breathing is the fastest way to change your physiology.

Water Quality

Our bodies need water for everything. I have some references that will blow your mind. It's so simple that people are always surprised when I can talk for so long about water. Along with the sun, it is a necessary component for life on Earth. Drinking filtered water with minerals added back into it serves as one of my 4 main pillars to living a healthy life.

Plain Water


As cliche as it sounds, movement is life. Quality of movement is important for everyone. It's not all about how hard you train or how much weight you can lift, although I value those aspects as well. By focussing on the quality of your movement, you can improve your mobility, reduce pain and stiffness while performing exercises more efficiently in and outside of the gym. Come explore my unique perspective on training through movement!


We Do Things Different Over Here

​We have training options for everybody at every level. As mentioned above, quality of movement is always the first priority. We need to make sure you feel confident with the movements so we can expand on them later. We will work together to get you stronger, learn new skills and improve your mobility. You will move athletically and gain an understanding of what it means to be move human. For more information on how you can work with me, keep reading below!



We Make Things Simple Over Here

Over the past 12 years, I've realized that nutrition has become very complicated for people. I want to change that. That's why I've created a three level system to help you get from A-Z in a way that's simple and accessible regardless of your lifestyle or budget. You will notice improved benefits as you progress through each level and "unlock" new tidbits of information that will leave you feeling full of energy, pain free and well informed. Grab a copy of my Holistic Performance Nutrition Manual and get started today!

12 Week Program

1:1 nutrition and performance coaching from Ty

Program designed to improve your mobility, get you strong, show you how to train athletically and increase confidence in the gym

Custom programs designed to fit your needs and goals based on a physical, nutritional and verbal assessment

Programs hosted on True coach, a free user friendly app with videos and descriptions.

Weekly updates to program with weekly targets, exercise modifications and special notes

Two video form checks each week on Mondays and Thursdays

Full access to ask Ty questions throughout the 12 weeks pertaining to your goals

Two 1hr calls with Ty after week 1 and after week 11 to discuss most effective plan of action

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